Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Father’s Day

          Time machine is an invention which could help you get transported to the other world of past and future. And that invention is what I am craving for after the day my father died.

          I have lots of regrets after my father left us. It was the most painful day for me for it was exactly “father’s day”. My heart was full of thorns and bleeding with crimson blood. Pure pain, that’s exactly how I feel. If given the chance to own a time machine, I would prefer to go to the past where my dear father was still alive, kissing my crown and pinching my cheeks. I know I am his favorite daughter, but what I did before to him was really bad. I took his presence for granted until the time had come and he gone away forever. If the time machine will be here around me, I would go to him and grab the chance to hug him very tight, kiss him a lot, say sorry for what I have done and most especially, greet him, “Happy Father’s Day!”

          Full of regrets, that’s what I am now. I wasted my time for realizing late how I love and miss my father so badly. This pain in my heart will be always inside me if the time machine will fail me. Oh time machine, please do exist to end this tormented bleeding chest of mine.

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