Impact of Advertisement on Society

Impact of Advertisement on Society

Advertisements or commercials are said to be known for the people because of its exposure in any multitude media, specifically televisions, magazines, newspapers, internet, billboard, journals, and even in crude flyers that given to people around the world.

Since advertisements’ purposes are to convey, entertain and most especially, persuade people to buy the product being endorsed, it intends to be eye-catching, striking and creatively produced just to catch the attention of many. But sometimes, due to too much creativity and injected “gimik” to advertisements or commercials by the company advertisement writer and producer, it can’t avoid creating issues about being ashamed of own color and race and discrimination. Because of the goal they needed to attain which is to sell their product, compete to other companies and get the highest profit, they go beyond the boundary just to make sound and ring a bell to people’s ears.

           An example of an obvious discrimination that is being emphasized in TV commercial is the advertisement of “BIOLINK or BIOLINK Green Papaya Soap”Here is the TV commercial video:

     In this advertisement, after the woman gave birth to her child, the nurse entered their room and give the baby to them. As you'll notice, the reaction of the husband seems to be unhappy and confused which connotes that they are not proud of the baby's color. On the other side, the reaction of the wife connotes that she feels shy to her husband because the baby does not appear white just like them.

     The baby's color implies that the wife has originally brown-complexion and she has different race and color to his husband, but due to the BIOLINK soap, she able to hide her true color and marry a handsome guy, who is her husband.

     This advertisement of BIOLINK soap is very striking because it tends to convince people that their product is very effective and it would really make you look and appear as white as the snow. This advertisement is not good because it makes the tele-viewers think and put into their minds that "HAVING A BLACK OR BROWN COMPLEXION IS UGLY" or "BEING WHITE IS BEAUTIFUL". So this will cause them brainwashed which will make them ashamed of their own color and race.

      Here is another TV commercial of BIOLINK where the baby is being baptized:

     In this advertisement, this shows that the priest is so shocked that the baby's color is far different from her parents. But it is evident that the color of the baby belongs to her mother which is revealed to the family of the wife who attended the baptism. Just like the first episode of this ad, this connotes that the BIOLINK product is much effective and it shows between the wife and her baby.

    Indeed, the impact of some advertisement to society is bad for it deceives people and make them feel ashamed of themselves for the sake of endorsing products and become popular.

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