Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Ideal Better Half

By Nicole Von M. Javier

Love is like a colorwheel in which all shades from primary to mixed, darkness to lightnes of colors are present. And each color implies an underlying meaning to your life that molds you to who and what you are now.

In line with the colors, in our daily lives... there are times that we feel blue due to loneliness and feels like we're badly broken; and there are times that we feel like we're turning red due to being deeply madly in love and we're just very happy.

Just like in a relationship, you'll able to taste mixed of colors. Not all ended in a happily ever after. Some may be too blessed that they have found their so-called destined soulmate, while on the other hand, some ended up hopeless romantic at the corner.

And yep, I'm one of those hopeless romantics that keep on believing that someday, I'll meet the right man reserved by God for me, at the most perfect time.

I admit, I turned this way because of my past experiences of being in a relationship. I didn't ever regret that I have met those (4) guys because I do believe that there's always a reason behind everything that's happening in my life. In fact, I want to thank them for the insights I've gain out from those memories we've cherished and ofcourse, for the learnings I have embraced that made me tough & versatile woman right now.

Because of them and the kind of journey I've undergone, I learnt to discover if what kind of guy I want to grow old with in the near future. I become more matured now when it comes to my decisions and what should I need to look at on a certain guy. And that is... his HEART and these qualities:

1. God fearing (Not really very religious, but just want someone who believes that God exists. He must also be kind and do good & right things around him in accordance to God's will)
2. Respect his parents (especially his mom & dad, sisters, brothers, grandparents & all the members of his family)
3. Family-Oriented (Serious type of guy when it comes to relationship & close to his family)
4. Lovable and Loving (Will truly love me with all of his heart & could not dare to hurt me)
5. Kind (Soft hearted and easily touched)
6. Thoughtful (Caring and Understanding as always)
7. Respectful (Has great respect to girls)
8. Loyal and Faithful (Stick to one. When it's me, only me)
9. Has Initiative & Consistency (Inserts effort to everything he does for me, loves to make me happy everyday and include me as one of his priorities)
10. Matured-Thinker (With his actions and has future plans)
11. Sensitive (to his surroundings, people's feelings, especially to me)
12. Has deep understanding to women's personalities, needs, wants and mood swings
13. Humble (down to earth)
14. Generous (Love to give something that he knows I'll be happy no matter how simple it can be)
15. Sweet (Loves surprises and has a romantic side)
16. Honest (Open to me, will let me know everything about him, his wants, likes and dislikes, can't afford to lie, afraid of karma, will let me know his whereabouts, etc.)
17. Supportive (Cheers me up always)
18. Has Sense of Humor (Loves to make me laugh, smile and happy)
19. Open minded & Open to Me (Willing to listen to me, my ideas and will tolerate me when it come to his phone or see who texted him, chatted him, view his fb, twitter, instagram, etc)
20. Easy to be with (Willing to accompany me wherever I go & can handle my annoying & skeptic side of personality)
21. Protective & Gentleman (Knows how to handle his girl & sees me as his future wife)
22. Flexible (knows how to adjust and do what what's best for our relationship, knows how to handle himself infront of my parents, family and friends)
23. Appreciative (to small, simple things I've done and I do)
24. Not so active on Facebook, etc. (Not addicted on social medias)
25. Not a great texter (One who only reloads his phone for his parents, me, and to very important matters)
26. Proud of having me (Will not be ashamed of holding my hands in public)
27. Husband material (Wants to settle down and be stable soon with me)
28. Knows how to multi-task (Can be my boyfriend, father, brother, best friend, etc)
29. Knows how to be jealous (makes me feel so important and afraid to lose me)
30. Adventurous (Loves to go somewhere with me, loves to travel, foodtrips, movie marathon, etc)
31. Patient (Don't easily get mad or not highblood)
32. Snobbish (I want a guy who's snob to girls but sweet to me because I'm his girlfriend and he treats me very special)
33. Positive Thinker (Sees positive things around him and will influence me to think the same)
34. Someone who keeps on holding on and loves me enough to stay (Don't easily give up on me and to the challenges that we will encounter)
35. My Perfect Match (Someone I could say that we click together and we will really grow old together FOREVER) <3

Too many idealistic man's qualities to mention, right?

I do expect, you'll react and will say that I'm too picky and perfectionist as the man I'm looking for is impossible to find. YES! You're correct. The qualities listed above may sound so idealistic but I'm able to jot it down for my basis to determine the right guy who will not hurt me and could not dare to leave me hanging. Besides, what I've written above are what I have learnt from my past relationships. If you'll be on my shoe, you'll understand how I feel and why I'm writing these things.

I know someday, at the right time, right place, right circumstances, and right day... my ideal guy who's destined to me will suddenly show up and will make me feel complete. He may not acquire all of the qualities I've mentioned above, but as long as he will prove to me everyday that I'm describing him on this blog and will do everything to make himself worth it to be kept and loved back by me. Then that's the time I could say, "He's worth the wait and I'm blessed enough that my ideal better half came into reality." :')


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