Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Concealed Admiration behind the Camaraderie

To have a crush on someone is a “bizarre” thing for me. Why?  Simply because I am not a sort of girl who easily get rapt to men and it actually takes time for me to appreciate and like someone. In all honesty, this is somewhat awkward for me because I am not used to unfasten my private feelings especially about crushes, but somehow, I just realize that this could be a big challenge for me to grasp at the same time, an opportunity to share a piece of my being.

Well, it’s certainly undeniable, whether we conceal it to others or not, it’s so typical that each of us here admires a special person and he or she becomes part of our lives. I, myself, I confess I have a crush on a nice-looking guy with fair complexion (milky skin), pointed nose, rosy cheeks, red endearing lips whom I think he’s out of my reach and he’s definitely just a part of my so-called “fantasy”. He has an innocent serious look which makes me think that he’s quite strict and mystifying. Usually, I get hooked to a guy who has an exceptional aura of being “mysterious”. The mysterious identity of this guy whom I admire caught my mischievous eyes for the way he appears ignites my curiosity about his uniqueness and way of living makes me feel flabbergasted. The other aspect which makes me like him is his naïve charming eyes with marks of sleepless nights which divulge that he has a determination to be successful in his chosen field and it also indicates how serious he is on his studies. Other one is the upshot of losing weight has a good outcome to him because he become more good looking and robust. Since my long time crush and I become friends due to some unexpected magical instances, I am able to get acquainted with him and we’ve build friendship. Because of our camaraderie, I have known him for being humorous that he is fond of deceiving me with his jokes and he will laugh at me every time I am tricked (but I find this trait of him cute), he’s straight forward for he really express what’s inside his head, he’s God-fearing and he has strong faith to God, he’s optimistic because no matter how heavy his burdens in life are, he still manage to remind himself that he can surpass the trials and giving up is not an option, he’s soft-hearted because he usually get touched and teary-eyed to inspirational movies or television dramas, he also easily get shuddered in delight to Koreanovelas (the most recent he watches is Love Rain), he’s a concern citizen also for he really care about our country, economic status, and he sometimes expresses how he hate those awful people who corrupts and do bad deeds behind their decent jobs, and lastly, he is also a loquacious type of guy if he’s comfortable with you. All of this stuff I have mentioned about my crush makes me completely amazed that I discovered a lot from him in which before, I just satisfy myself looking and stealing a glance of him from a distance. Because of my discoveries, the numerous queries in my mind that pops out every time I see him has come to an end and I realize that by just a single blink of an eye, a certain stranger become a part of my life.

Now tackling about his personal life, he is the eldest in the family with two younger brothers. Being the eldest, it reflects how responsible he is as an individual. Another thing that makes me salute about him is despite his manly structure, he does the dishes and other household chores and he is also in-charge of his younger brothers every time his parents are not around. To imagine all of this, my heart is moved by his simple actions. I find him an ideal guy for he acts genuinely and responsibly. Indeed, no matter how simple he is and everything he does, it mean a lot to me. That’s how fascinated I am towards him behind our friendship and this feeling of mine will be forever concealed.

Father’s Day

          Time machine is an invention which could help you get transported to the other world of past and future. And that invention is what I am craving for after the day my father died.

          I have lots of regrets after my father left us. It was the most painful day for me for it was exactly “father’s day”. My heart was full of thorns and bleeding with crimson blood. Pure pain, that’s exactly how I feel. If given the chance to own a time machine, I would prefer to go to the past where my dear father was still alive, kissing my crown and pinching my cheeks. I know I am his favorite daughter, but what I did before to him was really bad. I took his presence for granted until the time had come and he gone away forever. If the time machine will be here around me, I would go to him and grab the chance to hug him very tight, kiss him a lot, say sorry for what I have done and most especially, greet him, “Happy Father’s Day!”

          Full of regrets, that’s what I am now. I wasted my time for realizing late how I love and miss my father so badly. This pain in my heart will be always inside me if the time machine will fail me. Oh time machine, please do exist to end this tormented bleeding chest of mine.

My Other Half

          Undeniably unique, irreplaceable, ebullient, demure, cheerful and humorous, these are just some of the qualities I can share about the special person in my life.

          Everyday, as I face new chapter in my colorful complex life, I have this someone whom become my strength to power up my patience in dealing reality. She is no other than, my supermom. My ever bubbly mom has numerous roles in my life not just a plain mother who’s always there to take care of me. She’s my shining shimmering armor who protects me from any mosquito bites (I always caught her every night), she’s my high quality brand medicine for she makes me fine in a jiffy way, she’s my personalized handy dandy diary for she knows my secret, she’s my automatic alarm clock for she wakes me up and cheers me up every time I feel so tired, she’s my favorite comb and dress for she always try to fix how I look, she’s my teddy bear for she gives me a sweet motherly warm hug and lastly, she’s my amulet for she gives me charm and luck in everything I do. That’s my supermom, caring to the tenth power, versatile woman and beautifully flexible on her own way.

          How blessed I am to have a childish, annoying yet super sweet mother like her who has twirl brown hair, spherical structure of face and circular clear eyes just like me. She’s indeed my other half, my life, who is priceless.

Bok, the Mosquito and the Skunk

In a far-flung place, there live two mosquitoes namely Yat and Bok. They started to live all by themselves when their parents met an unidentified crucial accident.

One tedious evening, the two mosquitoes are starving to death and Bok said, “Are you not hungry my sister? I want to go somewhere to look for blood.” Yat replied, “I am also hungry my brother but where are we going then?” Bok contemplates and thinks what destination they could go where there are a lot of people residing.  Because Bok could not take the starvation anymore, he swiftly decides and said, “what if we part ways so we could go anyplace we want as long as there is blood?” Yat nod her head and agrees to Bok. Before parting ways, Yat warned her brother and said, “My dear brother, please avoid the place and the black and white stuff you could possibly encounter along the way. Many mosquitoes said, those stuff are dangerous and you know what will happen just like to our parents.” Bok nods his head and passively listens to his sister’s admonition. He confidently believes that his senses are sensitive, so he could immediately notice his enemies. He could also fly as fast as the lightning flash and he knows how to fight. When Bok arrived to different places, he eagerly sips blood of people and enjoys his life alone in the city. He visits some leisurely places and sip blood all the time he wants. Before the long night ends, Bok wants to seize his time. When he traverses a black and white stuff, he remembered what his sister warned him. But because of too much curiosity, he disregards the caution and goes nearer to the said attractive thing. “Pickaabooo!”, Bok disturbed the black and white stuff. Because the said stuff was surprised, it accidently farts too hard.

Then there, because Bok cannot take the smell, he fall down to the floor and got poisoned. Before his last breathe, he discovered that Skunks are the suspect of their parents’ death.